Great article and a good summary of my feelings about skiing too. I’m 73 now and especially enjoying skiing with my granddaughter, son, daughter-in-law and other friends/family. Additionally, it’s the closest thing to flying and I love it!!!

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Thanks so much! I'm thrilled you enjoyed the post. Yes, that flying feeling is something I cherish, and should have mentioned. Sometimes, I stick my arms out like a bird or airplane. : )

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Agree with all 15 reasons. Some love skiing and are fanatical about it. I'm one. In fact, that's all I've wanted to do for 40 years but marriages, job, families kept me in the East. Dream is to spend all winter skiing out West. Still a no go, tho. Thankful I still take vacations there. Warren Miller epitomizes a ski life and it's terminal nature. Do it while you can cuz there's only so much time left.

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Thanks so much for writing, Dan! I'm also a big Warren Miller fan, and he did much to get me interested in skiing. I actually just watched a fascinating documentary about his life called Ski Bum: The Warren Miller Story https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9454068/

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Smile reading this one! Good book recs too. Got me wondering what some of your fav ski/snow centric reads are?

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Thanks, Bill, I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! Some books I've enjoyed: Ken Libbrecth's Field Guide to Snowflakes, Snow by Giles Whittell, and The Story of Modern Skiing by John Fry. One of these days, I'll have to write a post on great snow/ski books!

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I love this! As someone who thinks I’m a skier but hasn’t actually hit the slopes in years, this is a good reminder to go out and do it ⛷️🚠❄️

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Thank you so much, Jennifer! I had fun writing this one, and I hope the piece helps inspire you to ski again. It's never too late to re-boot your skiing career!

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